If you found my web site because you are having problems with your car’s engine and need car engine repair, here is some advice to help find a shop to repair your engine.

You have several choices.

If you already have a repair shop that you trust, then by all means they should be your first choice.

If you do not have a repair shop that you use on a regular basis, there are a few things you can do to help find a good one. First of all, word of mouth can be the best advertising. If you have friends, family or coworkers that have a repair shop that they can highly recommend, that would be a start. There are several automotive trade organizations, and generally repair shop owners who are willing to invest in these organizations tend to be of a higher overall caliber, but there are always exceptions. One of these organizations is the Automotive Service Association Another organization is the International Automotive Technicians Network The iATN is an online network of automotive technicians and repair shop owners. There is a repair shop locator on the site that can be helpful in finding a repair shop near you.

Car engine repair is one of the more demanding segments of the automotive repair industry. It is usually time consuming and dirty, much harder physically and requires some expensive tools and a very special type of technician to do the work. There are quite a few repair shops that simply would prefer not to do major engine repairs. You might have to just use good old intuition to decide if a shop is capable of doing the repairs on your car engine. If you get the feeling that a shop really does not like doing engine work then it would probably be best to stay away from them.

If you are having a hard time finding a repair shop to work on your car or truck engine, see if you can find a local Automotive Machine Shop. Automotive Machine Shops specialize in repairing engine parts for general repair shops, and they generally have a pretty good knowledge of which Automotive Repair Shops are capable of good engine repairs.

I hope this is helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to use my contact form to ask. I will try to answer as many as possible.

Thanks for visiting !!

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